X-Squared Radio Archive: September- 2010
Sept 5 , 2010

Deborah Skye
Deborah Skye is passionate about personal transformation. She has lived in the jungle, traveled to remote sacred sites around the globe, worked side by side with Elders and Shaman’s performing ceremony at temples and pyramids during the equinox and solstices and she has worked with crystal skulls since she was a child. We discussed the pre-existence of the soul, the possibilities with mortal life, and the future of the planet. Great energy and awesome conversation!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Sept 12, 2010

The Richard Sauder Briefing
The central reality of these early 21st Century times is the total certainty of imminent, massive, deep-rooted change in every sphere of reality that is meaningful to the human race. There are underwater and underground bases being built with your money. There is at least one major space program besides NASA that has a base on teh Moon. It is accordingly intended for the many millions of people who have come to the realization that: "Hey! Something is going on! Kansas is going bye-bye!" Well, yes it is, the world as you have known it is going away as surely as Dorothy's Kansas went away in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz. The unsettling news is that you are about to be abruptly thrown into the deep end of the swimming pool, without any advance notice or prior preparation on your part.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Sept 19, 2010

Maureen St. Germain
Maureen worked as a corporate leader most of her professional career. In 1994 she decided to learn her lessons through love instead of the usual way. Since then, everything changed. She brings 25 years of professional experience into her trainings and workshops. Formerly she was the president of several city-wide agencies. She was also president of an international society with over two thousand professional (doctor) members and has been a fund-raiser and lobbyist. For about eight years she continued her corporate path while building her workshop business on weekends. She is an amazing interview and is sure to open something inside of you as we explore the interface of physics and metaphysics.
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Part 3
Sept 26, 2010

Ed Nightingale
The Giza Template
  This decoding of a major pyramid mystery is new, important and exciting. It is the solution to an architectural Rosetta stone, a problem that has attracted dozens of accomplished scholars over many decades. But all up to now have come up short and unconvincing. The preliminary unconditional positive reaction by knowledgeable and experienced scholars and mathematicians to this new interpretation assures us that this major pyramid mystery has been solved: one down and dozens more to go. The far reaching implications of this new work suggest that other long outstanding mysteries may well yield to clues provided here."
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Sept 30, 2010

Nigel Kerner
In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of alliens known as Greys coming to earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In this new book Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not; souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit. Tune and hear this amazing interview. Part 1
Part 2
Part 3