The sordid details of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s unwholesome dealings with communist China continue to emerge, including the shocking revelation that Newsom is quietly funneling hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the communist Chinese regime in exchange for political favors.

Because California is certifiably bankrupt and on the verge of total economic collapse, Newsom appears to have forged a backroom deal with the Chicoms that involves him handing over taxpayer dollars in exchange for political bailouts. These include keeping California artificially afloat, as well as Newsom in office, at least until China can get troops on the ground as part of a planned nationwide takeover.

As it turns out, China fully supports, and is possibly even a financial backer of, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the two most well-known domestic terrorist groups making the rounds destroying property, tearing down statues, burning entire city blocks, and shooting innocent people. The destabilization these groups are causing is all part of the Chinese takeover plan, in other words. Natural News has already established that China is providing full-auto weapons upgrade parts to Black Lives Matter through a smuggling operation that was interdicted by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).

How Newsom fits into the picture is that he has turned California into a port of entry for China to smuggle in weapons and other gear for the soon-to-be second civil war that has been planned for America. And the truly sick part is that Newsom is laundering money back and forth with the Chinese under the guise of “coronavirus aid.”

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Back in April, even the mainstream media was questioning what Newsom was up to when it was revealed that he had wired half a billion dollars to an electric car company in China to supposedly purchase “N-95 masks” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This decision was never voted on or approved by legislators, and when pressed about the details of the deal, Newsom refused to disclose them.

Keep in mind that this half a billion dollars was just the first of two installments amounting to a full billion dollars being sent China to supposedly purchase face masks for Californians – face masks that never actually arrived, by the way. As of this writing, the Chinese electric car company in question, BYD, still has the money and has yet to send over a single face mask.

“That’s because this isn’t a billion dollars for ‘masks,’” writes Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in an exposé on Newsom’s treasonous criminality. “It’s part of a massive money laundering operation to funnel money to China, so that China can funnel money and weapons back to Newsom in preparation for the civil war that they’re launching.”

None of this is conjecture, by the way. Newsom himself admitted to it personally during a television interview, though he refused to provide any details about the nature of the agreement that was made with BYD.

This massive transfer of taxpayer money to some obscure Chinese vehicle manufacturer was never voted on by the taxpayers from whom the money was stolen, nor has there been any accountability concerning how it was used. In fact, nobody even knows how it was used because the whole thing took place under the table.

Instead of using this money to help actual Californians, many of whom are jobless and barely scraping by, Newsom instead redirected it to his communist buddies across the Pacific under the guise of purchasing face masks.

Even if it was true that all this money went towards masks, which we know it certainly did not, Newsom at the very least could have instead invested it locally to have the masks produced in the state of California by actual Californians. This would have helped the state economy by keeping people employed.

But no, that was never what this was all about. Newsom pretended to spend this pile of taxpayer cash on face masks as cover for a massive money laundering scheme that effectively hands the reins of power over to China in exchange for Newsom’s own political protection.

By selling Californians down the river and giving China the beachhead it has been trying to establish on America’s western coast, Newsom is ensuring that he will remain on China’s good side once the dust settles and the new world order emerges.

As we reported, Newsom is directly facilitating the transfer of weapons and ammunition from China to the United States, where much of it is now being stored at the Easy End Complex in Sacramento. Pallets upon pallets of Chinese munitions are being stockpiled right underneath our noses, and Americans have Newsom the traitor to thank for what is soon to transpire.

“Essentially, Gov. Newsom has been stockpiling weapons and ammo in preparation for a civil war that he’s been helping to make reality,” notes the Health Ranger, who further warns that this all aligns with Barack Obama’s infamous vision concerning the future of America:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set … We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,” Obama proclaimed to his cheering worshipers.

To sum it all up, Newsom is quietly paving the way for Obama’s civilian national security force to come to fruition by working directly with China to stockpile weapons and ammo. He is also helping to foment the violent division that is tearing apart our country so that China and other new world order players can swoop in when the time is just right and seize control.

Following a series of other preliminary events, many of which we are now witnessing on a daily basis, the eventual outcome will be mass death in America followed by a staged military invasion by China. This will spell the final end of America as we know it, and Americans will have Newsom, among others, to thank.
