Time is Speeding Up?

I know what you’re thinking.  Time is speeding up.  It feels like that because so much is coming at us all at once.  Perhaps it is a function of the 24-hour news cycle.  Perhaps it is the electric environment with extended daytime provided by lights and multi-time-zone access to live events.  Time is moving at the same rate it has moved for thousands of years. 

What is happening is a compression of awareness that occurs we have more of a database from which to draw for comparison.  “Where did the time go?” middle-aged and older adults often remark. Many of us feel that time passes more quickly as we age, a perception that can lead to regrets. According to psychologist and BBC columnist Claudia Hammond, “the sensation that time speeds up as you get older is one of the biggest mysteries of the experience of time.” Fortunately, our attempts to unravel this mystery have yielded some intriguing findings.

In 2005, for instance, psychologists Marc Wittmann and Sandra Lenhoff, both then at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, surveyed 499 participants, ranging in age from 14 to 94 years, about the pace at which they felt time moving—from “very slowly” to “very fast.”

For shorter durations—a week, a month, even a year—the subjects’ perception of time did not appear to increase with age. Most participants felt that the clock ticked by quickly. But for longer durations, such as a decade, a pattern emerged: older people tended to perceive time as moving faster. When asked to reflect on their lives, the participants older than 40 felt that time elapsed slowly in their childhood but then accelerated steadily through their teenage years into early adulthood.

There are good reasons why older people may feel that way. When it comes to how we perceive time, humans can estimate the length of an event from two very different perspectives: a prospective vantage, while an event is still occurring, or a retrospective one, after it has ended. In addition, our experience of time varies with whatever we are doing and how we feel about it. In fact, time does fly when we are having fun. Engaging in a novel exploit makes time appear to pass more quickly in the moment. But if we remember that activity later on, it will seem to have lasted longer than more mundane experiences.

The reason? Our brain encodes new experiences, but not familiar ones, into memory, and our retrospective judgment of time is based on how many new memories we create over a certain period. In other words, the more new memories we build on a weekend getaway, the longer that trip will seem in hindsight.

This phenomenon, which Hammond has dubbed the holiday paradox, seems to present one of the best clues as to why, in retrospect, time seems to pass more quickly the older we get. From childhood to early adulthood, we have many fresh experiences and learn countless new skills. As adults, though, our lives become more routine, and we experience fewer unfamiliar moments. As a result, our early years tend to be relatively overrepresented in our autobiographical memory and, on reflection, seem to have lasted longer. Of course, this means we can also slow time down later in life. We can alter our perceptions by keeping our brain active, continually learning skills and ideas, and exploring new places.

If we were to take an extended vacation or to actually escape and retire someplace where there is not much happening like southern Mexico or Ecuador, and our psyche slows down to meet it, you may never be able to return to Earth at the current velocity.

Now, it may be a little unfair for me to analyze this for everyone.  Although I have always felt as though I am America, my thought process is different that 98.6% of humans.  Since I returned from the Sierra Nevadas in the summer of 1965, I have formed a transitory relationship with mortal experience. 

That is to say, all experiencer exists in multiple planes of perception at the same time.  Humans have a small lens through which they look at the fabric we pass over at the rate of life.  I know that is quite a bit in one sentence.   Let me CTRl-Scroll for you.  The fabric of the average reality, into which we weave our own thread of energy, is hard to explain in words, but the word is the key the natural high.  It emits music from those who do not play, and paintings from those who do not paint.  With it, the power of the mind is infinite. 

When we have only one, very young mortality upon which to stand, you can only fly close to the fabric of spacetime.  As we age, we are able to relate one discipline to another and then another.  Herman Hesse wrote a book called The Glass Bead Game, which later was republished under the name Magister Ludi.  Having Carl Jung as his psychologist, he was guided by a master of symbolism.  Since the time when we only had one language, all mortals could share idea with words. 

When the languages got scrambled, humans incorporated symbols into their writing and art to make sure the meaning was universal.  We are not sure if the effort to destroy these meanings came from God or from Lucifer; nevertheless, the language of the symbols was destroyed.  The meaning of the symbols was not destroyed.  They each mean something.  The cross, the spiral, the circle, the cube, triangle and star all excited something that reaches back into many mortalities on all worlds where we might have existed.

So, in Hesse’s book, there is a school called Castalia.  At this school, all arts and sciences are taught.  As a student progressed through mathematics, the student would receive a glass bead. One for multiplication, algebra, geometry, calculus, etc.  After each course, the student would trade in the two or three beads for each subdiscipline for a single bead that represented the accomplishment of the total discipline.  Obviously, you would know about multiplication, trigonometry, and algebra if you mastered calculus. 

One did not stop there.  The student was also taking music theory.  They were learning to play one or more instruments as a solo and as part of grand symphonic group.  The weaving of the instrument through the musical compositions made a total sound that was orders of magnitude more powerful and meaningly that any individual instrument.  Again, each time the student would master a few pieces, the beads were exchanged for a combination master bead.  Then poetry and languages would be added.  Then, physics and chemistry, geology, biology, and on and on until all the sciences had been resolved into one bead.

Finally, at the end of the journey, the student had exchanged all their beads from all of their studies for one, single, all-powerful bead.  The one bead that contained all known knowledge.

I read this book 50 years ago.  It altered the way I store knowledge in my memory.  Add to this the ability to recall experience, technology, beauty, music, the stars and travel through the Cygnus star system, of which there are many suns and dozens of planets, and many free floating planets upon which live civilizations who travel with that planet through the galaxy, and the fabric is deep and rich with more information that a hundred lifetimes could report at a convention of lifetimes.  It isn’t all-knowing, but one glance at my resume will put you in a state of disbelief that such beings exist.

We do.  I am not alone on this world.  There are a few in every age, but right now there are thousands of us here.  We haven’t all met one another.  We don’t need to.  That’s not our purpose. 

The galactic war is nearly the same in all galaxies.  Some have been conquered, and some have been liberated of their darkness.  That is the nature of universes, of which there are more than cam be counted. 

Lest I take you to far from this mortality, let me share this with you.  Humans are supposed to carry a god-class spirit.  As spirits are created through the square root of Source, some choose not to follow the light into mortality, but rather long before this world was formed, they chose to follow the will of darkness.  Those spirits were blocked from coming to this world through the seed of Adam and Eve.  The spirits of darkness, by way of the skill and timeless knowledge of Lucifer, we able to come here as mortals another way.  They bypassed the enmity placed in their way, but accessing Lucifer’s DNA to come here. 

This has turned Earth into the grand battlefield for the success of this universe.  Civilizations on other worlds have also been conquered the way Earth was conquered, but they do not have a path to victory, except through the Akashic record of Earth.  Jesus, the Christ, established the resurrection on this world.  All other worlds waited for Him to be born, live, and die, and resurrect on this world.  Our pathway is also their pathway.

To everything there is a season.  To seasons there are ages.  The end of the Age is upon us.  The time for the transition of Earth is upon us.  Bearth is upon us.  It requires two things to be completed before the transition is complete.

The first is the Grand Separation.  Jesus taught this through several parables.  The first one I want you to think about is the wheat and the tares.  Wheat is a plant, the seed of which is the staff of life.  The symbolism of wheat permeates throughout the ages.  We use it to this very minute as a symbol of award and exaltation.  The seed is full of power and sustenance.  Tares are worthless.  They are a weed, sucking the nutrients and life-giving water from the soil.  The odd thing is that the wheat plant and the tares look identical when they are young.  Before they come of age, they appear identical.

So, when the corruptor planted tares in among the wheat, the temptation was to burn the fields.  Jesus explained that the gardener, the creator, cautions against burning everything, because in doing so, the wheat will be destroyed as well.  He planted the wheat.  He wants to harvest the wheat.

So, he lets the tares grow among the wheat to maturity.  At the end of the Age, harvest time, the wheat and the tares are separated.  The Grand Separation takes place at the hands of immensely powerful beings who carefully beckon the wheat to come forth out of the field. 

In another parable, Jesus tells of when the shepherds drive their flocks together into canyons with steep sides on all side with a small opening at one end.  All of the sheep happily enter the canyon, in the center of which is a large, grassy meadow where they gather as one group, leaving one or two shepherds guarding the entrance against wolves that might enter and killed the defenseless sheep.  All the other shepherds go to town to trade for food and supplies for the rest of the journey.

When the days are done trading, one by one the shepherds come came to the canyon and call out their sheep.  When asked how this can happen without mayhem and confusion, without all the sheep running out of the canyon at once, or a shepherd withdrawing sheep that belong to another flock, Jesus answered saying, “… and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. 4And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. 6This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.”

The second thing that must occur is The Gathering.  This is done L’Olam, which translates for worlds.  Do you get that?  Humans are nearly as timeless as the universe itself, for we were created as the universe was formed.  Trillions of spirits nearly identical, two by two, in a square root function as Source divided itself to form an individual soul address for each of us. 

In the beginning, we are very nearly identical.  As mortality is a process of completion of the sprit to become Source again, these spirits diverge.  That is to say, in a very short number of mortalities, no two spirits are identical anymore for a long long period.  Many many ages pass, and we change and grow and learn and die and live again.  Then, close the end of all ages, when we have overcome everything, we become very much alike again.  Completeness is completeness, except for one thing.  The desire of the completed being will determine if it become light or darkness.  A completely dark soul, and completely light soul, are nearly identical in every way, except the they cannot exist in the same space. 

Hence, when the age is complete, as Jesus in answer to the disciples:

“Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” 

And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away[a] and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

The end of the age is here.  The Grand Separation is nearly complete.  They call it the cancel culture, but that is just their name for it.  We know the voice of our shepherd.  You have heard it, or you would not be here tonight.  If you are not sure you have heard it, then you haven’t.  If your heart swells with compassion for the children who are being killed every day in the name of darkness, then you may have heard it.  When you cover your mouth in abhorrence as evil leaders with dominion, as they suppose, sweep through the land and plunge you into poverty, or silence your voice, or mercilessly attack your protectors, you may have heard the voice.

The fabric is a canvas of average reality that flows beneath you as you run or fly to the end of time.  Time is a perception created by the sentient beings in this universe to slow down the universe so that it will exist.  At the speed of light, it is still the singularity.  Our consciousness is what has slowed it down so we can behold it.

Now, overlay the disciplines.  Lay math over music.  Lay the beauty of physics and love carefully over the stars and the birth of a child.  Breathe in the flower and feel the Earth.  Press the glial cells of your mortal body against those of another body in harmony with your own.  Move across the fabric with your heart open and listen for the voice that will gather you together, far away from the darkness.

The Gathering  is in the early stages, and most of you have already been separated from the rest of humanity.  Many of you have lost friends, family, jobs, businesses, social groups where you have otherwise been welcomed for many years.  Fear not.  You are not alone. 

Consider the parable of the ten virgins, 5 of whom had their lamps full and were ready when the groom called.  5 were not ready and tried to rush out and fill their lamps, but could not find the necessary fluid.  The scripture says it is oil for the lamp, but I believe that tears are what fill the lamps.  Tear that are shed for the oppression and deception of humankind by global forces who seek to enslave us and destroy us.  Do not hesitate to cry for them, for this is what will make you ready, when He calls. 

When you hear the voice, you will come to gather, because there is but one shepherd and one voice.
